Directed by debutante Ayush Raina, 'Horror Story' is a horror thriller movie starring Karan Kundra in lead. The first look of poster of the film is out in stores, and looks quite impressive and engaging enough to attract spooky fans.
The story revolves around seven youngsters who challenge each other to spend the night at the infamous and scary hotel in the heart of the city. Well, little did they know that their decision will turn out to be the most horrendous night of their life, rather, the last night of their life!
The poster depicts the same storyline, where the seven youngsters, sans their faces, are looking at somebody with the help of their torches. Just in front of them, a creepy girl, who is wrenched in all bloodstains, is seen sitting in a swing with her head down.
Written and Presented by Vikram Bhatt, 'Horror Story' is all set to release in theatres on September 13, 2013.